Monday, September 23, 2013

Could It Be?

Good Morning all!

Hit the bed about 2:00am, up at 7:00am for work. Was dreading even going to bed last night knowing how I would feel after a short five hours of sleep. Much to my amazement I feel great! Perhaps it will catch up with me later, hopefully not.

Almost completely done with my Probio5... that makes a month. I haven't retested my saliva yet to see if I'm yeast free but I'm pretty sure I'm not. If you have been researching these products at all then you have probably heard about the die off symptom's.  For about a week and half I had them all. I was prepared and frankly wasn't really worried about them considering how bad I felt on a daily basis. Though the flu like symptoms, headaches, sweating and hot flashes are not fun, at least in the process of these symptoms I knew why I was having them. I had a sense of satisfaction knowing I was riding my body of these toxins that were reeking havoc on my body. I still have the occasional nausea spell or hot flash, especially if I eat to much flour and sugars. At least I can take the Probio5 as a preventive, so that the yeast and toxins stay out of my body. Taking one probiotic daily once I am done cleansing, compared to doctor visits and prescription medication, sounds great to me.

I'm going to be honest, I'm still waiting to feel bad again, it all still seems to good to be true. I am still looking for bad reviews or post about Plexus.... with the exception of die off symptoms, I can't find anything but great testimonies. I'm sure you can understand my skepticism.

This is my plan: My husband and I are going to see our daughter in SC at the beginning of the month. My daughter has tried everything to lose weight with no success. She has been hospitalized with C-diff before and also has Dysautonomia like myself. I mailed her the Probio5 and Bio Cleanse which she should hopefully receive today. She tried the three day trial of the Slim and Accelerator for weight lose and loved it. From my research it seems a lot of people start with these weight loss products and have great success but then start the cleansing products which could cause some bloating which interferes with their weight loss. I personally think the best choice is to cleanse the body to get back to your normal metabolism which will only help with the weight loss.
By the time I get to SC my daughter should be past the worst of the die off symptoms and we are going to start the weight loss products together! I'm so excited, I haven't tried them yet. From my research and testimonies, it gives you a ton of energy and makes you feel great and pounds come off quick. I can't imagine having any more energy but hey, I'm game! I will keep you posted on both of our progress. One of the most important things that HAS to be done while taking these products is drink lots of water. I told my daughter to drink half her body weight in ounces, otherwise, how are you going to get the toxins out? In my opinion without drinking the water, don't take the products. Imagine how toxic it could be just churning in your body. Drink, drink and drink some more.

Now for my youngest daughter. I'm doing it one at a time. This time we are going to see if we can beat the Ulcerative Colitis that she has had since middle school. She has a beautiful nine month old boy, my grandbaby, Payton. Have I mentioned how awesome it is to be a Nana?! Okay, anyway, trips to Leboneur Hospital every three months for infusions (like chemo meds) were not only Very expensive but she wore tired very quick. I have read many testimonies of UC and Chrohn's patients having great results. From what I understand it is great for the GI tract, I know I had Horrible IBS and still cant believe I no longer have to sit close to a bathroom or avoid eating while traveling. So thankful! I will let you know when I start her on the products and keep you updated on progress.

Next, my husband. Again, many testimonies on arthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis. My husband has RA and when it gets bad he can hardly move. Praying these will work for him as well. I will let you know when he gets started and his progress.

Taking this slow but if they get the same results I have.... Hallelujah!

Okay, going to play with my grandbaby, shower and balance the checkbook... yuck!
Ambassador #169535

Product testimonies:  weight loss, ADD, Arthritis, diabetic, GAD, fibromyalgia, depression, allergies, IBS, Chrohn's, Ulcerative Colitis, fibromyalgia, diabetic, migraines, PCOS, candida, obesity

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