Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Figuring it All Out

Ok, I typed up my blog yesterday twice and lost it twice. I learned that if you don’t have your computer, the Kindle Fire will not work when typing up documents… needless to say, I was quite irritated when I went to bed at 1:00am this morning. Too bad these probiotics don’t prevent irritability but if that’s all I have to be irritable about, then I shouldn’t complain.

Lying in bed I wonder if this was comparable to when the Lord was leading the Israelites from bondage and after a short while they did nothing but complain over petty stuff when they had just escaped bondage. They were ready to turn back to the distressful life they were used to living. Well I just want to say I’m not turning back, I will not return to the bondage of what seemed like impending death. I am in a much better place and it only looks to be getting better. Thank you Jesus!

My daughter in SC did receive her products to start her cleansing on Monday morning. She took her first dose before bed. Yesterday, she sends me a text asking why she was sweating so much and having hot flashes. I still find these symptoms prevalent from time to time.  The toxins and yeast will try to escape through every pore possible. Though these symptoms may be aggravating, I feel a sense of satisfaction knowing that they are temporary and the end result will be a much better quality of life. It makes me think of cancer patients who have chemotherapy in order to rid their body of the cancer. I also wonder if I actively work to keep my body in balance if it reduces the chances of cancer and more disease. I bet so.

I visited one of my sister’s yesterday and we started discussing infertility. I explained that I had read several testimonies of women who got their bodies back in balance and then got pregnant. She and I agreed that getting your body back in balance probably has a multitude of benefits. Of course, I had never shared the products with her or the fact that I was cleansing my body. She told me she could definitely tell that I was feeling better. I love to hear that because sometimes I think it’s all in my head. My husband noticed a difference in four short days. He stated that I must be feeling better; I ask how could you tell? His reply was, “Your more witty and have come backs for everything I say again”. Love it! I love to aggravate people and play; I imagine getting back to me will have some ill effects on those around me, Lol.

Oh, I got on the scale yesterday morning since I have noticed all my clothes fitting loose. I have lost six pounds!! I am not even taking weight loss products. I can’t imagine how I’m going to feel a week from now when my daughter and I start on the Slim and Accelerator. I may be jumping off the walls with energy, but hey I’m game.

I’m working on getting a link to the testimonial pages for everyone to check out. If you add me on FB it would be very easy. Happy Day!
Product testimonies: weight loss, candida, Arthritis, body in balance, plexus, obese, IBS. Migraines, diabetic, depression, candida, Chrohn's, Ulcerative Colitis, neuropathy, infertility
Ambassador #169535

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