Thursday, September 26, 2013

I Think I'm Sold!

I am so excited and shocked. As I was reading through Plexus testimonies, I ran across an amazing story of a teenager who struggled with the exact same thing that I have. Not only me but my two daughters and my sister! The reason I am shocked is because you never read about someone else who has POTS. It is a difficult disorder to diagnosis and for me, I was pretty sure someone would take me to the funny farm before they figured it out. Like this teenager I was on multiple medications, lethargic, anxiety, panic attacks and many different symptoms. I will be going to see my oldest daughter in six days and she will start the Slim/Accelerator, which is what the teenager in the testimony was taking. I can't wait. If this is all true and considering how much better I am feeling... I am very optimistic! It is one thing to find something to make me feel better but if it helps my two daughters, I think I am going to jump in head first! Still praying for God's guidance through it all. Speaking of God, I truly believe that everything happens for a reason. In saying that, I can honestly say that I can't remember exactly how I came across Plexus. What are the chances that I would run across a testimony that was exactly me. My husband and I were sitting on the back deck and I was scrolling FB when I ran across the story. I started reading it aloud for some reason and it got both of our attention quick. He couldn't believe it either. His response was, "You need to stay on that stuff!". I agreed and he is aware that he too will be on it for his RA.

I have been hesitate to express my excitement since I have been using these awesome Natural products. This should be on the news or something, I'll tell the story. I am telling my personal story but there are a lot of stories out there, I mean a lot! I wish I had a better way of getting the word out. I have searched for ill side effects and have found them. People do get nauseous, vomit, sweating, hot flashes, itching, yeast infections, dizzy, cramps, gas and all those that comes with cleansing your body. Getting your body back in balance is different for everyone and the best way to figure out what will work for you is to do the research, adjust doses as needed, be prepared to feel bad for a week or two; depending on the about of yeast and toxins in your system. Just remember no matter if your using Plexus or products at your local GNC, make sure you are drinking half your body weight in water (OZ). Otherwise imagine all those toxins in your gut churning with nothing to wash it out. I imagine you could get pretty sick. There is a wealth of information waiting to be discovered. I am going to post a link explaining yeast in your body and the symptoms of yeast overgrowth. It is very interesting and informative. When talking about what happens when you cleanse the yeast from your body it is referred to "die off" symptoms.

Would you help me spread the word? Could you share this post? Will you check it out for you or loved ones, It has been life changing for so many and I know there are so many hurting out there wishing they just felt better.

I have tried many Probiotics during my visits to the Health Food Store but I never got results like this, which is why I am sticking to it. If you have any questions I would love to hear from you. If I can't answer a question, I will find the answer or lead you in the direction. If your skeptical, I don't blame you, been there, done that. Check it out for yourself. I have 10 three day trial packs of Slim/Accelerator for $11.95 but I'm not sure how I would get it to you.....

Yeast or Candida-

Plexus products-

Testimonies- (not sure if it will work)

Oh, I have a friend coming in tomorrow until Sunday so I'm not sure I will post on these days.
Talk to you soon, God Bless:)

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