Tuesday, October 1, 2013

A New Goal

Hello All!

I apologize for my laziness yesterday, just had one of them days. Funny how weather changes will take you back to a point in time. This time two years ago I lost my mom and I miss her so much. I'm so glad I'm in a better place than I was two months ago or else bed would of been my refuge.

On a lighter note, I'm still feeling great. I'm not saying I never have bad days but they have become fewer and far between. Had a great time with a friend of mine from Chicago, we have been friends since 7th grade. It's great that we can go six years without much contact and still pick up where we left off.

As I continue to read new testimonies daily and the wide array of health issues that these products are helping with; I have come to my own personal opinion on how this could be possible. As a Patient Care Technician I have studied the importance of homeostasis when it comes to your body. Homeostasis is a state of balance in your body and without it your body goes haywire.
I just want to mention a few things that could indicate yeast overgrowth:
  • Recurring Vaginal Yeast Infections
  • Oral Thrush (accumulation at the back of the throat and white coated tongue)
  • Migraine Headaches
  • Sinus, Ear or Eye Infections
  • Toenail Fungus
  • Skin Fungus
  • Rashes Including Jock Itch
  • Food Allergies
  • Brain Fog
  • Depression
  • Just Plain Feeling Whacked Out and Irritated
  • Low Sex Drive
  • Fatigue
  • Low Thyroid
  • Low Adrenals
  • and More

  • These are just a few not to mention the toxins that have accumulated over your lifetime. So, as I was saying, it only makes since if you rid your body from these hostile pathogens that your body will have a better chance to fight off illnesses that may invade your body. After I have completely cleansed the yeast from my body and have a negative candida saliva test I will then continue taking at least one probiotic daily for maintenance purposes. I will continue drinking my water and doing my best to live a healthy lifestyle. I am so happy to feel better and will do everything I can to stay that way. I am every bit 95% - 98% better. Funny how you feel better and then when you feel bad at all, it seems to be more worrisome even though its not nearly as bad as before. I will never again take my health for granted.

    Update on my oldest daughter in SC who has been doing the cleanse so that when I arrive we can start the Slim and Accelerator for weight loss. Her symptoms while cleansing: yeast infection, hot flashes, sweating, breaking out on her skin, very little cravings for sweets or breads. She told me she would of been disappointed if she had not got any die-off symptoms indicating that the products were not working. I would have to agree. She has still had plenty of energy and any die-off symptoms are rare now. Just remember, anyone who decides to cleanse, things will get worse before they get better.

    So moving on to my goal of weight loss. Tiffany and I will be starting the Slim and Accelerator Thursday morning. I will be back home Sunday morning, I may not have a lot to report but report what I know. I'm excited to start these products, I have heard such awesome testimonies concerning weight loss! So stay tuned....

    I have had such great results with the products I have used and know so many using the Slim and Accelerator with great success, I want to make you an offer. I have five three day trial packs that cost $11.95, I want to give these to five deserving peeps who want to give it a try. If you would like me to send you a free trial, I will even pay for the shipping and handling; please comment explaining why you would like to try these products. If you don't plan on drinking your water and following the directions to a tee, then you probably wouldn't be a good candidate. I believe in these products and would love for others to benefit from it.

    Please take time to read the testimonies, these testimonies are not on a Plexus page but a FB page. You will hear great testimonies along with many questions concerning the products and concerns.

    Follow these and you will see why I stay excited!
    TESTIMONIES: https://www.facebook.com/groups/slimtestimonials/296056220533955/?notif_t=group_comment_reply

    Plexus Products: http://tracyjenks.myplexusproducts.com/register
                                    Ambassador #169535

    Call me if you have questions: 731-676-5710

    I may not blog again for a few days since I will be out of town.

    God Bless You all and I hope you have made the decision to take charge of your health.

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