Thursday, October 10, 2013

Doing my Research

This is what I posted on Facebook, thought I would just share it here as well. After this research though, I am going to get back on my probiotic because I can tell that my gut is getting out of balance again. Never quit learning.

Ok guys, I have got to share some valuable information with you. I have been researching lots of things in my quest to become healthier. Did you know the absence of good bacteria in your gut can cause a multitude of problems and eventually disease? Some include IBS, IBD, Chrohn's, allergies, eczema, autoimmune disorders, autism, ADHD, and many others. Getting your gut back in balance after years o...f processed foods and toxins, these are nearly impossible to avoid. Everything depends on your genetic makeup -examples: lifestyle, eating habits, drinking, sleep, stress, and more. I have tried probiotics in the past and never noticed any real benefits. I have found one that has worked great for me and is working great for my daughter. I don't know if you have heard of Plexus, it's a company that makes several natural products to help you get healthy from the inside out. From my research (I will post a link where I obtained this info) probiotics are more important than a multi-vitamin. I have started a blog so that I can document my own progress, I will also give you that link. Most people think Plexus is for weight- loss only, though people are losing a ton of weight on their products, I am most impressed on the benefit of my health. My depression has lifted, IBS resolved, anxiety rare, energy high, no more brain fog, I no longer take meds except one as needed and I could go on. I know many people who feel so much better with great testimonies. Choose to get healthy. Check the sites out for yourself. See why you need them Check out the products Ambassador #169535 Testimonies

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