Sunday, October 13, 2013

It's Going to be a Journey....

Wow, I never thought having the fog lifted would reveal so much. Why did I have so many years taken from me? I now realize that I missed out on precious years with my daughters, my family and friends. The thing that gets me the most is the time missed with my daughters. Yes, while I was in a state of existing, without the feelings of being truly alive. Well, I am very thankful to be living again, except my daughters are grown and gone. I would love to have them home with me again so I could spend the quality time with them I long for. Maybe they didn't notice, maybe, I was good on putting a happy face on, the fact is they DID make me happy, I just wish I had felt better. I think I'm lonely... I will tone down the pity party. Depression sucks, be very careful if you are on anti-depressants, they can make you very depressed. I have come to realize that it's time to take charge of my own health. I have had many bad experiences with a multitude of doctors, specialists, and medical personnel .

This is something that has been heavy on my mind. I am a Patient Care Technician with LPN courses possibly starting in ten months. I'm not sure that is where I am suppose to be anymore. Of course, some of the practices are done because it is mandated and not the fault of medical personnel.  Since I don't agree with a lot that is going on in the healthcare field, is that what I want to do for the rest of my life? I've checked into educating myself  in natural medicine but it's pretty expensive. I realize there is a purpose for medication and is a blessing in many cases but it is given out like candy anymore. No one has time to research the medications, most of us want to trust that if we are being prescribed something, it is for our benefit. The more knowledge I have the more I realize that any chemicals(medication and many others), processed foods, anything on our skin (make-up, lotions etc.) were not intended to be absorbed within our bodies. The more we have of these things the more out of balance our bodies become. Everyone is different and unique when it comes to their health. I hope and pray that if you are reading this, know it is for a reason. How much medicine are you taking? How much processed foods does your family consume? Do you or your loved ones have symptom's of Candida (yeast) overgrowth? Work on getting your body back in balance the best you can. Drink water, it has helped me so much. This is my own personal opinion and experience. Praying for direction.

I am still feeling so much better than before Plexus, but continue to adjust as I see fit. I'm trying to pay attention to my body and the way I feel. I haven't taken Probio5 in about two weeks, I thought after taking a months worth, I would be good. Well I do believe I was wrong, from research, a good probiotic is actually more important than a multi-vitamin. Your body needs a certain amount of yeast but without something to ward off the bad bacteria, overgrowth will be a never ending cycle. Therefore, I will take a probiotic daily for maintenance. I notice I don't feel as good as I did when I was taking the probiotic. I also ordered my youngest daughter a bottle, praying it will help immensely with her Ulcerative Colitis!! Tiffany will continue to take one for maintenance as well.

I called to get an update from Tiffany after a week on the Slim/Accelerator and she has the flu. She knows she lost two pounds and her clothes fit looser. When she's feeling better we will get measurements. To date I have lost ten pounds and I don't know how many inches. I didn't start these products for weight loss but to get healthier by getting my body back in balance. I am Not complaining! The Slim/Accelerator gives you a ton of energy and definitely controls cravings.

This weekend I saw a great friend of mine, whom, I haven't seen in a while. She is battling some tough health issues and after she gets doctors approval, she is going to try the products. I sure hope the good Lord allows these products to help her as much as they have helped me.That's all I want is for those I love to experience the benefits I have.

If you are suffering from the many ailments of life, change it. It is pretty much guaranteed to help you, it isn't medicine, you can buy it at a health food store (other probiotics). Make sure you get a good one though. Quality of life can be better.

Please follow the links on my other post for information concerning Candida, FB testimonies, plexus products.

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