Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Spirtual Health

My body is healing from the inside out, it is awesome! Now that I am becoming myself again, I am having to relive many things from the past. This isn't easy, nor is it fun. The only way I can get through, is to have some serious talks with Jesus. It seems natural when things are good, your prayers or time with God may not be as essential as when your in the valley. This is one thing that I will be careful of, I need to stay close to God in order to be healthy and happy. He is my Rock and always has been. Today, I will have a little talk with Jesus. I hope you too will spend quality time with Him also.

Father, I long to feel Your presence.
My soul is unsettled, in need of your guidance.
I only want Your will in my life,
do not let me veer to the left or right.

I ask forgiveness for my sins Father.
Help me be more Christ like.
If there is something I should be doing,
show me.
If there is something I shouldn't be doing,
please show me that as well.

Where is my joy Father?
As a child of God, it should be evident.
Forgive me for allowing this wicked world
to steal my joy and make me weary.
Help me to give my worries of the world
over to my Protector.
My heart is saddened at what has become of
Your creation. I know it saddens you.
Evil has overcome it, it's everywhere I look.
The only security I find is in You.

I need to hear from you Father,
I need to know your plan for me.
I want to make you proud,
I want Your will, not mine.
Send me Father, to bring glory to You.
I am willing Father and I know you will equip me.

Those who have lifted me spiritually,
those I thought were part of my heavenly family,
they were wolves in sheep skin.
I fear the world and the people in it.
Your Word is being mocked and
Your name is used in vain.

Have mercy on me Father, keep me close.
I long to hear from You, to feel Your presence.
Protect my family from evil, please lead, guide
and direct our every path.

Tears flow as though a damn has broken.
I mourn for you Father, I grieve over
wickedness that has overcome the ones I love.
Help me to be the wife you intended me to be.
Change my heart Lord, allow me to love much
and forgive more.
I need these walls to come down Father,
only with Your help can I break them.

Give me discernment to see you, hear you
and feel your presence.

I have such a void in my heart Father.
A void that was once filled by one of Your angels.
I thank you for the precious time I had with my mom.
She was a woman of great Faith, much love,
and unfailing faithfulness.
Though my heart aches for her, I know she is
in a much better place with You.
I feel like I failed her as a daughter.
Why didn't I spend more time with her?
This world wore her out, she deserved so
much more.
I long to see her beautiful smile, to lay my head
in her lap, to feel her arms wrapped around me.
I miss her wise words, her gentleness, her great
Faith, her servant heart.
Forgive my selfishness for yearning to be with her.
I rejoice in the time we had together.

Fill me with peace that only You can give Father.
Thank You for loving me, protecting me,
and giving me strength to go on.

I thank you in advance for answering my prayers.
Help me to accept the things I don't understand.
Forgive those who no longer love me,
I will always love them.

I pray for the lost Father.
I know the time is drawing near,
there is family that I pray will join
me in eternity one day.
Family I haven't even met.
I pray for them Father, I love them
and only want them to know true
joy by knowing You.
Help me to be a better witness.
Keep my path straight Father,
keep me on the narrow path,
along with my loved ones.
I pray for strength for each of us.
Forgive us of our sins Father.

I love you Father with all my heart, soul,
strength, and mind. I pray these things
in Jesus' name. Amen.

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