Monday, October 7, 2013

I'm so Blessed!

Had the most wonderful, much needed quality time with my Tif! She is so happy and blessed with an amazing husband. I have two daughters and have prayed for their future husbands since they were small. Talk about answered prayer, I have the best son-in-law that anyone could ask for. He is in the Navy and headed to high places, so proud. My daughter got her letter in, informing her that she was accepted into nursing school, so proud. Life is good. I brought my grandbaby, Tiffany informed me that she only wanted me to come if I brought Payton. Whew... the very best of children require lots of attention, wore me out. Great family time though.

I cried like a baby for two hours after we left. Though she has lived away for almost two years, it's as if it just hit home. Since I've been feeling better, well I'm feeling and that alone is taking some adjustments. I am not complaining about feeling better, believe me. I have to be honest though, I have cried tears like never before, over things that have happened in the last two years. I am seeing my life in a whole new perspective. In the past, I would cry emotionless tears. I would cry and not know why. I lacked emotions and feelings, so confusing. You live like that long enough you begin to think your home may actually be in the nearest mental facility. Yes, I prayed and prayed that God would lead, guide and direct me in the path to better health. I knew it would be in His time and I just waited patiently (I tried), knowing, His timing is best. And, as you know, I wasn't looking for Plexus when I found it. I was very discerning for quite sometime before I tried it for myself. So glad I did.

OKAY, Update: Starting Thursday morning, Tiffany and I started on the Slim and Accelerator. This was the first time I had tried these products. I felt awesome! I took the Slim drink and one Accelerator and my daughter is taking two accelerators. The first day she felt a little jittery. The accelerator does have natural caffeine. It was not unbearable, she said she still felt great. The days to follow she did not get jittery at all. We were headed downtown SC the second night and she said she felt irritable. I reminded her she hadn't eat anything since breakfast. She then realized this was the culprit, she exclaimed she never forgot to eat. I definitely had more energy and just an overall feeling great. My mood was awesome. I was still having to take my anxiety medication as needed before but from what I have researched, the pink drink is for anxiety and depression. So, I never felt like I needed anything for anxiety. Very excited. The drink tastes good, which makes it easier. I have lost a total of ten pounds since starting Plexus about a month and a half ago. I am off all my medication, unless I have to take the one as needed. I did notice some bumps that would randomly pop up on my foot or toes. They looked like little blisters, they weren't bothersome though. Within a couple of days they just disappeared. Not sure if it has anything to do with Plexus but my daughter had some on her arm. Tiffany had lost a pound and half by the time I left, three days. In her experience she said she felt great with plenty of energy. We are both doing our best to drink half out body weight in water, without the water I really don't think you will get the results desired. I hated water too, but knowing I only had 80 percent of my blood volume and doctors had stressed the importance of hydration, over and over, I forced it until I started craving it. It usually takes at least thirty days to make or brake a habit. Now, without the water, I just don't feel as good. I eat smaller portions and less cravings. I will update on Tiffany on Friday, this way, she would of been on the Slim and Accelerator for a week.

I wish I had money, if I did, I would purchase these products myself and give them to the ones I love so they could feel better to. I figure little by little I will help my family to get their bodies back in balance to the very best possible. If you want something different, you must do something different. I ask that you pray about what to do about your health issues, if applicable. Do your research, but please, give it a try. If I can help in anyway I will. I don't want anyone to suffer when they don't have to. If your on FB, friend me, that way we can communicate better.

Have you decided to take control of your health? Why or why not? I am as going to post the FB page of testimonies.... PLEASE read these, follow the new testimonies. They are truly unbelievable for so many different reasons. Either people are making up some crazy stuff, it's a conspiracy or it's the truth. It's yours to decide.

Wishing you health and happiness, may God bless.


Plexus products-
Ambassador #169535
Contact info 731-676-5710

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