Sunday, October 13, 2013

It's Going to be a Journey....

Wow, I never thought having the fog lifted would reveal so much. Why did I have so many years taken from me? I now realize that I missed out on precious years with my daughters, my family and friends. The thing that gets me the most is the time missed with my daughters. Yes, while I was in a state of existing, without the feelings of being truly alive. Well, I am very thankful to be living again, except my daughters are grown and gone. I would love to have them home with me again so I could spend the quality time with them I long for. Maybe they didn't notice, maybe, I was good on putting a happy face on, the fact is they DID make me happy, I just wish I had felt better. I think I'm lonely... I will tone down the pity party. Depression sucks, be very careful if you are on anti-depressants, they can make you very depressed. I have come to realize that it's time to take charge of my own health. I have had many bad experiences with a multitude of doctors, specialists, and medical personnel .

This is something that has been heavy on my mind. I am a Patient Care Technician with LPN courses possibly starting in ten months. I'm not sure that is where I am suppose to be anymore. Of course, some of the practices are done because it is mandated and not the fault of medical personnel.  Since I don't agree with a lot that is going on in the healthcare field, is that what I want to do for the rest of my life? I've checked into educating myself  in natural medicine but it's pretty expensive. I realize there is a purpose for medication and is a blessing in many cases but it is given out like candy anymore. No one has time to research the medications, most of us want to trust that if we are being prescribed something, it is for our benefit. The more knowledge I have the more I realize that any chemicals(medication and many others), processed foods, anything on our skin (make-up, lotions etc.) were not intended to be absorbed within our bodies. The more we have of these things the more out of balance our bodies become. Everyone is different and unique when it comes to their health. I hope and pray that if you are reading this, know it is for a reason. How much medicine are you taking? How much processed foods does your family consume? Do you or your loved ones have symptom's of Candida (yeast) overgrowth? Work on getting your body back in balance the best you can. Drink water, it has helped me so much. This is my own personal opinion and experience. Praying for direction.

I am still feeling so much better than before Plexus, but continue to adjust as I see fit. I'm trying to pay attention to my body and the way I feel. I haven't taken Probio5 in about two weeks, I thought after taking a months worth, I would be good. Well I do believe I was wrong, from research, a good probiotic is actually more important than a multi-vitamin. Your body needs a certain amount of yeast but without something to ward off the bad bacteria, overgrowth will be a never ending cycle. Therefore, I will take a probiotic daily for maintenance. I notice I don't feel as good as I did when I was taking the probiotic. I also ordered my youngest daughter a bottle, praying it will help immensely with her Ulcerative Colitis!! Tiffany will continue to take one for maintenance as well.

I called to get an update from Tiffany after a week on the Slim/Accelerator and she has the flu. She knows she lost two pounds and her clothes fit looser. When she's feeling better we will get measurements. To date I have lost ten pounds and I don't know how many inches. I didn't start these products for weight loss but to get healthier by getting my body back in balance. I am Not complaining! The Slim/Accelerator gives you a ton of energy and definitely controls cravings.

This weekend I saw a great friend of mine, whom, I haven't seen in a while. She is battling some tough health issues and after she gets doctors approval, she is going to try the products. I sure hope the good Lord allows these products to help her as much as they have helped me.That's all I want is for those I love to experience the benefits I have.

If you are suffering from the many ailments of life, change it. It is pretty much guaranteed to help you, it isn't medicine, you can buy it at a health food store (other probiotics). Make sure you get a good one though. Quality of life can be better.

Please follow the links on my other post for information concerning Candida, FB testimonies, plexus products.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Doing my Research

This is what I posted on Facebook, thought I would just share it here as well. After this research though, I am going to get back on my probiotic because I can tell that my gut is getting out of balance again. Never quit learning.

Ok guys, I have got to share some valuable information with you. I have been researching lots of things in my quest to become healthier. Did you know the absence of good bacteria in your gut can cause a multitude of problems and eventually disease? Some include IBS, IBD, Chrohn's, allergies, eczema, autoimmune disorders, autism, ADHD, and many others. Getting your gut back in balance after years o...f processed foods and toxins, these are nearly impossible to avoid. Everything depends on your genetic makeup -examples: lifestyle, eating habits, drinking, sleep, stress, and more. I have tried probiotics in the past and never noticed any real benefits. I have found one that has worked great for me and is working great for my daughter. I don't know if you have heard of Plexus, it's a company that makes several natural products to help you get healthy from the inside out. From my research (I will post a link where I obtained this info) probiotics are more important than a multi-vitamin. I have started a blog so that I can document my own progress, I will also give you that link. Most people think Plexus is for weight- loss only, though people are losing a ton of weight on their products, I am most impressed on the benefit of my health. My depression has lifted, IBS resolved, anxiety rare, energy high, no more brain fog, I no longer take meds except one as needed and I could go on. I know many people who feel so much better with great testimonies. Choose to get healthy. Check the sites out for yourself. See why you need them Check out the products Ambassador #169535 Testimonies

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Spirtual Health

My body is healing from the inside out, it is awesome! Now that I am becoming myself again, I am having to relive many things from the past. This isn't easy, nor is it fun. The only way I can get through, is to have some serious talks with Jesus. It seems natural when things are good, your prayers or time with God may not be as essential as when your in the valley. This is one thing that I will be careful of, I need to stay close to God in order to be healthy and happy. He is my Rock and always has been. Today, I will have a little talk with Jesus. I hope you too will spend quality time with Him also.

Father, I long to feel Your presence.
My soul is unsettled, in need of your guidance.
I only want Your will in my life,
do not let me veer to the left or right.

I ask forgiveness for my sins Father.
Help me be more Christ like.
If there is something I should be doing,
show me.
If there is something I shouldn't be doing,
please show me that as well.

Where is my joy Father?
As a child of God, it should be evident.
Forgive me for allowing this wicked world
to steal my joy and make me weary.
Help me to give my worries of the world
over to my Protector.
My heart is saddened at what has become of
Your creation. I know it saddens you.
Evil has overcome it, it's everywhere I look.
The only security I find is in You.

I need to hear from you Father,
I need to know your plan for me.
I want to make you proud,
I want Your will, not mine.
Send me Father, to bring glory to You.
I am willing Father and I know you will equip me.

Those who have lifted me spiritually,
those I thought were part of my heavenly family,
they were wolves in sheep skin.
I fear the world and the people in it.
Your Word is being mocked and
Your name is used in vain.

Have mercy on me Father, keep me close.
I long to hear from You, to feel Your presence.
Protect my family from evil, please lead, guide
and direct our every path.

Tears flow as though a damn has broken.
I mourn for you Father, I grieve over
wickedness that has overcome the ones I love.
Help me to be the wife you intended me to be.
Change my heart Lord, allow me to love much
and forgive more.
I need these walls to come down Father,
only with Your help can I break them.

Give me discernment to see you, hear you
and feel your presence.

I have such a void in my heart Father.
A void that was once filled by one of Your angels.
I thank you for the precious time I had with my mom.
She was a woman of great Faith, much love,
and unfailing faithfulness.
Though my heart aches for her, I know she is
in a much better place with You.
I feel like I failed her as a daughter.
Why didn't I spend more time with her?
This world wore her out, she deserved so
much more.
I long to see her beautiful smile, to lay my head
in her lap, to feel her arms wrapped around me.
I miss her wise words, her gentleness, her great
Faith, her servant heart.
Forgive my selfishness for yearning to be with her.
I rejoice in the time we had together.

Fill me with peace that only You can give Father.
Thank You for loving me, protecting me,
and giving me strength to go on.

I thank you in advance for answering my prayers.
Help me to accept the things I don't understand.
Forgive those who no longer love me,
I will always love them.

I pray for the lost Father.
I know the time is drawing near,
there is family that I pray will join
me in eternity one day.
Family I haven't even met.
I pray for them Father, I love them
and only want them to know true
joy by knowing You.
Help me to be a better witness.
Keep my path straight Father,
keep me on the narrow path,
along with my loved ones.
I pray for strength for each of us.
Forgive us of our sins Father.

I love you Father with all my heart, soul,
strength, and mind. I pray these things
in Jesus' name. Amen.

Monday, October 7, 2013

I'm so Blessed!

Had the most wonderful, much needed quality time with my Tif! She is so happy and blessed with an amazing husband. I have two daughters and have prayed for their future husbands since they were small. Talk about answered prayer, I have the best son-in-law that anyone could ask for. He is in the Navy and headed to high places, so proud. My daughter got her letter in, informing her that she was accepted into nursing school, so proud. Life is good. I brought my grandbaby, Tiffany informed me that she only wanted me to come if I brought Payton. Whew... the very best of children require lots of attention, wore me out. Great family time though.

I cried like a baby for two hours after we left. Though she has lived away for almost two years, it's as if it just hit home. Since I've been feeling better, well I'm feeling and that alone is taking some adjustments. I am not complaining about feeling better, believe me. I have to be honest though, I have cried tears like never before, over things that have happened in the last two years. I am seeing my life in a whole new perspective. In the past, I would cry emotionless tears. I would cry and not know why. I lacked emotions and feelings, so confusing. You live like that long enough you begin to think your home may actually be in the nearest mental facility. Yes, I prayed and prayed that God would lead, guide and direct me in the path to better health. I knew it would be in His time and I just waited patiently (I tried), knowing, His timing is best. And, as you know, I wasn't looking for Plexus when I found it. I was very discerning for quite sometime before I tried it for myself. So glad I did.

OKAY, Update: Starting Thursday morning, Tiffany and I started on the Slim and Accelerator. This was the first time I had tried these products. I felt awesome! I took the Slim drink and one Accelerator and my daughter is taking two accelerators. The first day she felt a little jittery. The accelerator does have natural caffeine. It was not unbearable, she said she still felt great. The days to follow she did not get jittery at all. We were headed downtown SC the second night and she said she felt irritable. I reminded her she hadn't eat anything since breakfast. She then realized this was the culprit, she exclaimed she never forgot to eat. I definitely had more energy and just an overall feeling great. My mood was awesome. I was still having to take my anxiety medication as needed before but from what I have researched, the pink drink is for anxiety and depression. So, I never felt like I needed anything for anxiety. Very excited. The drink tastes good, which makes it easier. I have lost a total of ten pounds since starting Plexus about a month and a half ago. I am off all my medication, unless I have to take the one as needed. I did notice some bumps that would randomly pop up on my foot or toes. They looked like little blisters, they weren't bothersome though. Within a couple of days they just disappeared. Not sure if it has anything to do with Plexus but my daughter had some on her arm. Tiffany had lost a pound and half by the time I left, three days. In her experience she said she felt great with plenty of energy. We are both doing our best to drink half out body weight in water, without the water I really don't think you will get the results desired. I hated water too, but knowing I only had 80 percent of my blood volume and doctors had stressed the importance of hydration, over and over, I forced it until I started craving it. It usually takes at least thirty days to make or brake a habit. Now, without the water, I just don't feel as good. I eat smaller portions and less cravings. I will update on Tiffany on Friday, this way, she would of been on the Slim and Accelerator for a week.

I wish I had money, if I did, I would purchase these products myself and give them to the ones I love so they could feel better to. I figure little by little I will help my family to get their bodies back in balance to the very best possible. If you want something different, you must do something different. I ask that you pray about what to do about your health issues, if applicable. Do your research, but please, give it a try. If I can help in anyway I will. I don't want anyone to suffer when they don't have to. If your on FB, friend me, that way we can communicate better.

Have you decided to take control of your health? Why or why not? I am as going to post the FB page of testimonies.... PLEASE read these, follow the new testimonies. They are truly unbelievable for so many different reasons. Either people are making up some crazy stuff, it's a conspiracy or it's the truth. It's yours to decide.

Wishing you health and happiness, may God bless.


Plexus products-
Ambassador #169535
Contact info 731-676-5710

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

A New Goal

Hello All!

I apologize for my laziness yesterday, just had one of them days. Funny how weather changes will take you back to a point in time. This time two years ago I lost my mom and I miss her so much. I'm so glad I'm in a better place than I was two months ago or else bed would of been my refuge.

On a lighter note, I'm still feeling great. I'm not saying I never have bad days but they have become fewer and far between. Had a great time with a friend of mine from Chicago, we have been friends since 7th grade. It's great that we can go six years without much contact and still pick up where we left off.

As I continue to read new testimonies daily and the wide array of health issues that these products are helping with; I have come to my own personal opinion on how this could be possible. As a Patient Care Technician I have studied the importance of homeostasis when it comes to your body. Homeostasis is a state of balance in your body and without it your body goes haywire.
I just want to mention a few things that could indicate yeast overgrowth:
  • Recurring Vaginal Yeast Infections
  • Oral Thrush (accumulation at the back of the throat and white coated tongue)
  • Migraine Headaches
  • Sinus, Ear or Eye Infections
  • Toenail Fungus
  • Skin Fungus
  • Rashes Including Jock Itch
  • Food Allergies
  • Brain Fog
  • Depression
  • Just Plain Feeling Whacked Out and Irritated
  • Low Sex Drive
  • Fatigue
  • Low Thyroid
  • Low Adrenals
  • and More

  • These are just a few not to mention the toxins that have accumulated over your lifetime. So, as I was saying, it only makes since if you rid your body from these hostile pathogens that your body will have a better chance to fight off illnesses that may invade your body. After I have completely cleansed the yeast from my body and have a negative candida saliva test I will then continue taking at least one probiotic daily for maintenance purposes. I will continue drinking my water and doing my best to live a healthy lifestyle. I am so happy to feel better and will do everything I can to stay that way. I am every bit 95% - 98% better. Funny how you feel better and then when you feel bad at all, it seems to be more worrisome even though its not nearly as bad as before. I will never again take my health for granted.

    Update on my oldest daughter in SC who has been doing the cleanse so that when I arrive we can start the Slim and Accelerator for weight loss. Her symptoms while cleansing: yeast infection, hot flashes, sweating, breaking out on her skin, very little cravings for sweets or breads. She told me she would of been disappointed if she had not got any die-off symptoms indicating that the products were not working. I would have to agree. She has still had plenty of energy and any die-off symptoms are rare now. Just remember, anyone who decides to cleanse, things will get worse before they get better.

    So moving on to my goal of weight loss. Tiffany and I will be starting the Slim and Accelerator Thursday morning. I will be back home Sunday morning, I may not have a lot to report but report what I know. I'm excited to start these products, I have heard such awesome testimonies concerning weight loss! So stay tuned....

    I have had such great results with the products I have used and know so many using the Slim and Accelerator with great success, I want to make you an offer. I have five three day trial packs that cost $11.95, I want to give these to five deserving peeps who want to give it a try. If you would like me to send you a free trial, I will even pay for the shipping and handling; please comment explaining why you would like to try these products. If you don't plan on drinking your water and following the directions to a tee, then you probably wouldn't be a good candidate. I believe in these products and would love for others to benefit from it.

    Please take time to read the testimonies, these testimonies are not on a Plexus page but a FB page. You will hear great testimonies along with many questions concerning the products and concerns.

    Follow these and you will see why I stay excited!

    Plexus Products:
                                    Ambassador #169535

    Call me if you have questions: 731-676-5710

    I may not blog again for a few days since I will be out of town.

    God Bless You all and I hope you have made the decision to take charge of your health.

    Thursday, September 26, 2013

    I Think I'm Sold!

    I am so excited and shocked. As I was reading through Plexus testimonies, I ran across an amazing story of a teenager who struggled with the exact same thing that I have. Not only me but my two daughters and my sister! The reason I am shocked is because you never read about someone else who has POTS. It is a difficult disorder to diagnosis and for me, I was pretty sure someone would take me to the funny farm before they figured it out. Like this teenager I was on multiple medications, lethargic, anxiety, panic attacks and many different symptoms. I will be going to see my oldest daughter in six days and she will start the Slim/Accelerator, which is what the teenager in the testimony was taking. I can't wait. If this is all true and considering how much better I am feeling... I am very optimistic! It is one thing to find something to make me feel better but if it helps my two daughters, I think I am going to jump in head first! Still praying for God's guidance through it all. Speaking of God, I truly believe that everything happens for a reason. In saying that, I can honestly say that I can't remember exactly how I came across Plexus. What are the chances that I would run across a testimony that was exactly me. My husband and I were sitting on the back deck and I was scrolling FB when I ran across the story. I started reading it aloud for some reason and it got both of our attention quick. He couldn't believe it either. His response was, "You need to stay on that stuff!". I agreed and he is aware that he too will be on it for his RA.

    I have been hesitate to express my excitement since I have been using these awesome Natural products. This should be on the news or something, I'll tell the story. I am telling my personal story but there are a lot of stories out there, I mean a lot! I wish I had a better way of getting the word out. I have searched for ill side effects and have found them. People do get nauseous, vomit, sweating, hot flashes, itching, yeast infections, dizzy, cramps, gas and all those that comes with cleansing your body. Getting your body back in balance is different for everyone and the best way to figure out what will work for you is to do the research, adjust doses as needed, be prepared to feel bad for a week or two; depending on the about of yeast and toxins in your system. Just remember no matter if your using Plexus or products at your local GNC, make sure you are drinking half your body weight in water (OZ). Otherwise imagine all those toxins in your gut churning with nothing to wash it out. I imagine you could get pretty sick. There is a wealth of information waiting to be discovered. I am going to post a link explaining yeast in your body and the symptoms of yeast overgrowth. It is very interesting and informative. When talking about what happens when you cleanse the yeast from your body it is referred to "die off" symptoms.

    Would you help me spread the word? Could you share this post? Will you check it out for you or loved ones, It has been life changing for so many and I know there are so many hurting out there wishing they just felt better.

    I have tried many Probiotics during my visits to the Health Food Store but I never got results like this, which is why I am sticking to it. If you have any questions I would love to hear from you. If I can't answer a question, I will find the answer or lead you in the direction. If your skeptical, I don't blame you, been there, done that. Check it out for yourself. I have 10 three day trial packs of Slim/Accelerator for $11.95 but I'm not sure how I would get it to you.....

    Yeast or Candida-

    Plexus products-

    Testimonies- (not sure if it will work)

    Oh, I have a friend coming in tomorrow until Sunday so I'm not sure I will post on these days.
    Talk to you soon, God Bless:)

    Wednesday, September 25, 2013

    Figuring it All Out

    Ok, I typed up my blog yesterday twice and lost it twice. I learned that if you don’t have your computer, the Kindle Fire will not work when typing up documents… needless to say, I was quite irritated when I went to bed at 1:00am this morning. Too bad these probiotics don’t prevent irritability but if that’s all I have to be irritable about, then I shouldn’t complain.

    Lying in bed I wonder if this was comparable to when the Lord was leading the Israelites from bondage and after a short while they did nothing but complain over petty stuff when they had just escaped bondage. They were ready to turn back to the distressful life they were used to living. Well I just want to say I’m not turning back, I will not return to the bondage of what seemed like impending death. I am in a much better place and it only looks to be getting better. Thank you Jesus!

    My daughter in SC did receive her products to start her cleansing on Monday morning. She took her first dose before bed. Yesterday, she sends me a text asking why she was sweating so much and having hot flashes. I still find these symptoms prevalent from time to time.  The toxins and yeast will try to escape through every pore possible. Though these symptoms may be aggravating, I feel a sense of satisfaction knowing that they are temporary and the end result will be a much better quality of life. It makes me think of cancer patients who have chemotherapy in order to rid their body of the cancer. I also wonder if I actively work to keep my body in balance if it reduces the chances of cancer and more disease. I bet so.

    I visited one of my sister’s yesterday and we started discussing infertility. I explained that I had read several testimonies of women who got their bodies back in balance and then got pregnant. She and I agreed that getting your body back in balance probably has a multitude of benefits. Of course, I had never shared the products with her or the fact that I was cleansing my body. She told me she could definitely tell that I was feeling better. I love to hear that because sometimes I think it’s all in my head. My husband noticed a difference in four short days. He stated that I must be feeling better; I ask how could you tell? His reply was, “Your more witty and have come backs for everything I say again”. Love it! I love to aggravate people and play; I imagine getting back to me will have some ill effects on those around me, Lol.

    Oh, I got on the scale yesterday morning since I have noticed all my clothes fitting loose. I have lost six pounds!! I am not even taking weight loss products. I can’t imagine how I’m going to feel a week from now when my daughter and I start on the Slim and Accelerator. I may be jumping off the walls with energy, but hey I’m game.

    I’m working on getting a link to the testimonial pages for everyone to check out. If you add me on FB it would be very easy. Happy Day!
    Product testimonies: weight loss, candida, Arthritis, body in balance, plexus, obese, IBS. Migraines, diabetic, depression, candida, Chrohn's, Ulcerative Colitis, neuropathy, infertility
    Ambassador #169535